
Hey, I'm Michael. I'm a teacher studying the impact of TTRPGs in classrooms, specifically around benefits of social and emotional growth.

Alongside this, I am actually a Jack-of-all-Trades Bard.
I have countless interests and hobbies at any given time. Some of my favourites are listed below!

TTRPGs. Writing. Music. Education. Space. Photography. History.
Video Games. Reading. Guitar. Piano. Singing. Podcasts.
Card Magic. Science. Drawing. Nerd Stuff.

Photo 'River of Stars' taken in Victoria, Australia 2017 by me.

A photo of a portion of the milky way above some low mountains

Recent TTRPG Projects


The Improved Travel supplements are designed to help bring your TTRPG world to life with locations to scatter across your world.


The Practical & Concise guides are simple towns to drop in to any campaign. They are also designed for players to have the actual guide, almost like a travel brochure.